“Greener World Landscape maintenance, L.L.C. will provide routine maintenance services in a non-routine fashion”.
We intend to excel in all service offerings we provide.
Our attention to detail will be a hallmark of our organization.
Our employees will be neat and professional, and consistently look for new ways to improve our customer service and satisfaction.
Residential and commercial properties and athletic field facilities will receive equal focus in our endeavors to achieve these goals.
Knowledgeable and motivated employees will be the lynchpin in achieving our mission.
Greener World is committed to the quality and excellence of our work. Ranging in a wide variety of services we have a unique skills set and a large knowledge base to overcome and complete any challenge in any job. From the routine to the extreme, we do it all!
Greener World is a proud member, and actively participates in the following trade organizations:
New York State turfgrass Association
Sports Turf Manager’s Association
New York State Superintendents of Buildings and Grounds